Mira Trailović je bila pozorišna rediteljka, jedna od osnivača Ateljea 212 i njegova upravnica, i osnivačica internacionalnog pozorišnog festivala BITEF.

Obrazovanje je stekla u Beogradu, u gimnaziji joj je predavala Ksenija Atanasijević, a na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti je diplomirala režiju. Nakon oslobođenja posle Drugog svetskog rata, Mira je prva dobila posao radio spikera i urednika radio drame. Ipak, u tom periodu Mira više od svega želi da se posveti pozorištu i sa kolegama istomišljenicima osniva pozorište, sa potpuno novim i drugačijim konceptom od onoga koji je do tada bio zastupljen. Njihova ideja je bilo mesto koje će imati potpuno nov način funkcionisanja, od najsitnijih detalja poput prilaza pozorištu, načina šminkanja, izbora pisaca itd.

Prema Mirinim rečima, Atelje 212 je otvoren (ranije zabranjenom) predstavom “Čekajući Godoa”, iako je “Faust” (režiran od strane Mire) bila zvanična predstava kojom je Atelje formalno otvoren. Njegovi osnivači u repertoar uvode “proklete pisce”, egzistencijaliste i apsurdiste, Žana Pola Sartra, Ežena Joneskoa, Artura Adamova, Vilijama Foknera. Mira je, između ostalog, režirala Sartrovu “Iza zatvorenih vrata”, Joneskove “Stolice”, mjuzikl “Kosa” i mnoge druge. Mira je Atelje 212 opisala kao “nekonvencionalno pozorište u socijalističkom sistemu” koje ih je povezalo sa svetskom scenom, iz čega se rodio i BITEF.  

1983. i 1984. godine je bila umetnički direktor festivala u Nansiju u Francuskoj. Odlikovana je najvišim francuskim odličjem Legijom časti (Légion d’honneur) i 1976. godine je dobila Oktobarsku nagradu za režiju drame “Čudo u Šarganu”.


Mira Trailović was a theatre director, one of the founders of theatre Atelje 212 and its manager, as well as the founder of international theatre festival BITEF.

She obtained her education in Belgrade, one of her professors in high school was Ksenija Atanasijević. She graduated at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade. After the liberation in WW2 Mira was the first person to become radio newscaster and editor of a radio-drama. However, during this period Mira wanted to work in a theater more than anything. Along with several other theatre directors she founded a theatre, based on completely new concepts, from the smallest details, such as the access to theatre, the way makeup is done, which writers will be chosen etc.

According to Mira Atelje 212 was opened with the (previously prohibited) play “Waiting for Godot”, although “Faust” (directed by Mira) was the official play that formally opened the theatre’s doors. Its founders introduced the “damned writers” to Atelje 212’s repertoire, existentialists and absurdists, Jean Paul Sartre, Eugène Ionesco, Arthur Adamov, William Faulkner. Mira had directed Sartre’s “Behind Closed Doors”, Ionesco’s “Chairs”, musical “Hair”, amongst other plays. She had described Atelje 212 as a “unconventional theatre in socialist system” which connected them to the international scene, and made the creation of international theatre festival BITEF possible.

In 1983 and 1984 Mira was creative director of a festival in Nancy (France). She was honoured with the highest French order – National Order of the Legion of Honour and in 1976 she was awarded for directing drama “Miracle in Šargan”.