Jelena Genčić je bila naša teniserka, rukometašica i urednica kulturnog programa na Radio televiziji Beograd.
Jelena se uporedo bavila tenisom i rukometom. Dok je pohađala Petu mešovitu gimnaziju, koja je važila za sportsku, Jelena dobija poziv od Crvene zvezde da počne da igra rukomet za njih, a nije prošlo dugo vremena kada postaje golman reprezentacije. Međutim, Jelena je istovremeno igrala tenis za suparnički klub Partizan. Jednako je ulagala sebe u oba sporta i nizala uspehe za oba kluba.
Na Svetskom prvenstvu u rukometu 1958. godine sa reprezentacijom osvaja 5. mesto. Dve godine kasnije je diplomirala istoriju umetnosti i dobija posao na Radio televiziji Beograd. Rukomet napušta 1963. godine i u potpunosti se posvećuje tenisu. Svoju tensiku igru je svojevremeno definisala kao oštru i ofanzivnu i volela je da njome ljude natera da “skoče sa svojih sedišta”. Jelenin hobi je bila izrada fotografija i ‘75. je imala izložbu portreta tenisera tokom igre.
Bila je višestruka prvakinja Jugoslavije u tenisu i nakon povlačenja radila je kao teniski trener. Otkrila je i trenirala mnoge buduće uspešne tenisere i teniserke, između ostalih Moniku Seleš i Novaka Đokovića.
Jelena Genčić was a Serbian tennis and handball player, as well as director of cultural programme at Radio Television Belgrade.
She was playing tennis and handball at the same time. While in high school she got a call from the Red Star club to play handball for them and she soon became the goalkeeper of the national team. Meanwhile she was playing tennis for rival club Partisan. She gave her best for both teams and was successful in both handball and tennis.
At the Handball World Cup in 1958 she won 5th place with the national team. Two years later she graduated as an art historian and got a job at the Radio Television Belgrade. She stopped playing handball in 1963 and fully transferred to tennis. She described her way of playing tennis as sharp and offensive and she loved to make people “jump out of their seats”. Jelena’s hobby was photography and she had an exhibition of photographs portraying tennis players during their matches.
She was multiple champion of Yugoslavia in tennis and after retiring she worked as tennis coach. She discovered and trained many successful tennis players, amongst others Monika Seleš and Novak Đoković.