Ljubica Ivošević Dimitrov je bila proleterska pesnikinja, krojačica i borac za radnička prava.

Posle osnovne škole učila je krojački zanat i radila je kao tekstilna radnica. Gotovo odmah kada se zapošljava postaje članica radničkog pokreta. Početkom XX veka se seli u Beograd gde pristupa Beogradskom radničkom društvu, a od 1902. godine počinje da objavljuje socijalno angažovane pesme u “Radničkim novinama”. Ljubica je bila posebno aktivna na polju kulturno-prosvetnog rada Društva, a kao njegova članica je učestvovala i u osnivanju prvih velikih sindikalnih saveza.

U svojim pesmama Ljubica se bavila radničkim i društvenim temama. Prva pesma koja joj je bila objavljena u “Radničkim novinama” zvala se “Napred” i u njoj je Ljubica pozivala na buđenje borbenog duha radnika. Sem u Srbiji, bila je aktivna i u proleterskim društvima u Austriji i u Bugarskoj. U Austriju se preselila 1902. godine, a ubrzo zatim u Bugarsku, gde je naredne godine vodila štrajk tekstilnih radnica u fabrici u kojoj je i sama radila.

Posle neuspele revolucije u Bugarskoj 1923. zajedno sa suprugom, vođom bugarskih komunista Georgijem Dimitrovim, odlazi u Moskvu, a nekoliko godina kasnije u Berlin. U periodu kada je njen suprug optužen za paljenje nemačkog parlamenta Rajhstaga Ljubica je bila u Moskvi, a kada su Georgija uhapsili nacisti izvršila je samoubistvo. Sahranjena je u Moskvi.


Ljubica Ivošević Dimitrov was a proletarian poet, seamstress and a working class rights’ fighter.

After finishing an elementary school, Ljubica finished dressmaking and she worked as a textile industry worker. As soon as she started working she became a member of a working class movement. At the beginning of the 20th century she moved to Belgrade where she became a member of workers society, and since 1902 she started publishing socially engaged poems in “Worker’s News”. Ljubica was very active in the cultural and educational activities of the Society and she participated in founding of the first trade unions.

In her songs, Ljubica wrote about workers’ class and society topics. The first song that was published in “Worker’s News” was “Onward” and in it Ljubica invited workers to gather and review their esprit. Ljubica was active in Austrian and Bulgarian proletarian societies. In 1902 she moved to Austria and shortly after to Bulgaria, where she lead the strike of textile workers in the factory where she was working as well.

After unsuccessful revolution in Bulgaria in 1923, together with her husband – leader of the Bulgarian communists Georgi Dimitrov – she moved to Moscow and a few years later to Berlin. When her husband was accused for setting German Reichstag on fire Ljubica was in Moscow and when Nazis arrested him she committed suicide. She’s buried in Moscow.